martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

20,000 years artificially drilled specimen found in Henan

(Photo by Yufen/
On Nov. 21, the archeological team from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage discovered two ostrich eggshells with stone-drilled holes that date back 20,000 years ago at the Xuchang primitive ruins. Experts from the team said that the two ostrich eggshells were the earliest artificially stone-drilled specimens that were ever found in Henan Province and the best-preserved specimens found in China over the age of 10,000 years, which showed that the primitive craftsmanship had developed to a quite high level even at that time.

Noticia relacionada / Related: Archivo del noticiario > Edicion 19-11-10: Descubiertos tres sitios paleolíticos cerca de sitio del Hombre de Xuchang en Henan (texto completo) / Three Paleolithic sites found in Henan.

1 comentario:

Maju dijo...

Muy interesante, me he quedado un poco perplejo porque no tenía ni idea de que hubiese habido avestruces en Asia, sin embargo parece ser que así fue hasta la última era glacial.