martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Blogs&Webs 10-01-12

Modelos generales del Neolítico versus datos arqueológicos
Se trata del trabajo de Amkreutz, L. Vanmontfort, B. y Verhart, L. 2008, Diverging trajec tories? Forager-farmer interaction in the southern part of the Lower Rhine Area and the applicability of contact models. D. Hofmann y Bickle, P. (eds) Creating communities new advances in Central European Neolithic research, 11-31

'Denisovan' admixture may actually be from H. erectus
A new paper published at the moment only at arXiv that re-analyzes the data from Reich 2010 and related papers and concludes that the Denisovan admixture may well be original from Homo erectus, and not even individuals closely related to the Denisova cave specimens after all.
Peter J. Waddell, Jorge Ramos, and Xi Tan. Homo denisova, Correspondence Spectral Analysis, Finite Sites Reticulate Hierarchical Coalescent Models and the Ron Jeremy Hypothesis. Pre-publishing at arXiv (2012, freely accessible).

Stature estimates for Sima de los Huesos
The long bones of the Atapuerca people double our information about early human statures
José-Miguel Carretero and colleagues [1] report on the lengths of long bones from Sima de los Huesos, Spain. I've long been hoping this research would come out, because we've gotten interested in the pattern of body size as an aspect of evolution in early Homo.

Vía Noticiario Pileta de Prehistoria (Home)

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