martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

New Paleolithic site in Gansu Province, North China

A joint team of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology found a new paleolithic site at Xujiacheng village, Wanquan Town, Zhuanglang County, Gansu Province on June 29, 2009, and excavation was carried out later on in an area of about 15m2. The Xujiacheng paleolithic site was buried in the Malan Loess overlying the second terrace of the Shuiluo River. Nine stratigraphic layers were identified, with total thickness of more than 6.5m. Four cultural layers were identified and more than 5500 stone artifacts and 550 fossils were unearthed. Researchers reported their findings in the latest issue of Acta Anthropologica Sinica 2012 (3).

Archaeological materials were mainly unearthed from the 4th and 5th layers of the Xujiacheng paleolithic site. The stone assemblage included [...]

Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology via

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