viernes, 11 de enero de 2013

New Fossils Help Bring Hobbit Humans to Life

New bones attributed to Homo floresiensis -- aka the "Hobbit Human" -- along with other recent findings, are helping to reveal what members of this species looked like, how they behaved, and their origins.

The latest findings, described in a Journal of Human Evolution paper, are wrist bones unearthed on the Indonesian island of Flores. Since they are nearly identical to other such bones for the Hobbit found at the site, they refute claims that H. floresiensis never existed.

"The tiny people from Flores were not simply diseased modern humans," Caley Orr, lead author of the paper, told Discovery News.

"The new species of human stood approximately 3' 6" tall, giving it its nickname 'The Hobbit,'" continued Orr, who is an assistant professor in the Department of Anatomy at Midwestern University.

He said that they were "similar to modern humans in many respects." For example, he explained that they walked on two legs, had small canine teeth, and lived what appears to have been an iconic "cave man'" lifestyle. [...]

Actualización 13-01-13. El hallazgo de nuevos huesos de la muñeca del 'Homo floresiensis' apoya la hipótesis de que es una especie única

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Actualización. El hallazgo de nuevos huesos de la muñeca del 'Homo floresiensis' apoya la hipótesis de que es una especie única.