miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Four Neolithic houses unearthed at quarry

Four early Neolithic houses (3700 BC) have been unearthed by archaeologists at CEMEX’s Kingsmead Quarry in Berkshire.  The discovery is unprecedented on a single site in England and challenges our current understanding of how people lived more than 5,700 years ago.

This rare find will give us a unique opportunity to learn more about the earliest permanent settlements in prehistoric Britain and how such sites developed. At this time new practices were being adopted with people switching lifestyle from hunter-gather to settled farmer.

A rare find
Few houses of this date have been found in England and rarely has more than one been found on a single site. These discoveries by excavators from Wessex Archaeology are key to enhancing the knowledge and understanding of this period nationally and at a local level tell us more about the history of the area around the Rivers Colne and Thames near Windsor. [...] BBC

Actualización 17-03-13. 'Oldest settlement' finds from Kingsmead Quarry to go on show
The free exhibition will be at Wraysbury Village Hall on 27 April. Archaeologists, who have been excavating on the…

Actualización 03-04-13. Descubren las primeras casas neolíticas de Inglaterra
En el sur de Inglaterra, en la cantera de Kingsmead (Horton), se han desenterrado cuatro casas pertenecientes al Neolítico (3700 a.C.) y que además de no tener precedentes en ningún lugar de Inglaterra, desafía lo que hoy conocemos sobre la población que vivió hace más de 5.700 años...

Actualización 30-04-13: Vídeo. Horton Neolithic House - in its setting

Vídeo YouTube por wessexarchaeology el 06/03/2013 añadido a Paleo Vídeos > Prehistoria Universal > L.R.2.5 nº 22.

3 comentarios:

salaman.es dijo...

Actualización. 'Oldest settlement' finds from Kingsmead Quarry to go on show.

salaman.es dijo...

Actualización. Descubren las primeras casas neolíticas de Inglaterra.

salaman.es dijo...

Actualización: Vídeo. Horton Neolithic House - in its setting.