martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

German researchers publish full Neanderthal genome

Researchers in Germany have completed the first high-quality sequencing of a Neanderthal genome.

The scientific data gleaned from remains of a Neanderthal toe bone found in a Siberian cave are being made freely available online.

The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig said in a statement Tuesday the high quality of the genome meant its scientists were already able to determine which parts of DNA were inherited from its mother and father.

This is a significant improvement on a previous "draft" Neanderthal genome produced three years ago by the same team, led by Svante Paabo.

Paabo said the group hopes to publish a scientific paper on the Neanderthal genome later this year.

Online: Neanderthal genome:

Link 2

Actualización 20-03-13. Anunciado con polémica el genoma “completo” del neandertal
Un equipo de investigadores de Alemania ha obtenido el primer genoma completo de un neandertal, según informó hoy en una nota de prensa el instituto de Antropología Evolutiva Max Planck. La secuencia sería la primera completa de un solo individuo, ...

1 comentario: dijo...

Actualización. Anunciado con polémica el genoma “completo” del neandertal.