sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

When Did Humans Begin Hurling Spears?

Archaeologists have long debated when early humans began hurling stone-tipped spears and darts at large prey. By throwing a spear, instead of thrusting it, humans could hunt buffalo and other dangerous game from a safe distance, with less risk of a goring or mauling. But direct evidence of this hunting technique in early sites has been lacking. A new study of impact marks on the bones of ancient prey shows that such sophisticated killing techniques go back at least 90,000 years ago in Africa and offers a new method of determining how prehistoric hunters made their kills.

Other researchers have used indirect methods to study the use of projectiles, such as analyzing impact fractures on ancient stone points or identifying traces left by hafting on the points. Such evidence suggests that early humans created throwing spears as early as 500,000 years ago in Africa. But that kind of evidence leaves room for doubt and is frequently disputed.

Archaeologist Corey O'Driscoll of South East Archaeology in Canberra became interested in the traces left by hurled spears [...] ScienceNOW

Actualización 22-05-13. Un estudio demuestra que los seres humanos comenzaron a utilizar armas arrojadizas hace por lo menos 91.000 años

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