martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Ancient man unearthed near No Mans Acres field in Hollingbourne

A 3,500-year-old early Bronze Age man has been discovered near Hollingbourne – and now he’s ‘speaking’ to scientists.

1/4. The crouched human skeleton found at Hollingbourne is believed to be 3,500 years old
Archaeologists unearthed the man, believed to have been in his teens or early 20s, next to a field called No Mans Acres, which lays just on the border of Harrietsham.

His complete skeleton – thought to date back to about 1,500BC – was found in a 3ft-deep barrow.

Dr Paul Wilkinson, of the Kent Archaeological Field School, who led the investigation, said: “In a way, he’ll be now talking to us over thousands of years as scientists at the University of Kent examine his remains to establish his age and how he died.

“His teeth will also give a clue as to what part of the world he came from. [...]

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