miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

Human Skeleton Found in Prehistoric Back Kidang Goa

HEN / Kompas.com

BLORA, - Tim Occupational Goa Kidang Yogyakarta Archaeological rediscovered prehistoric human skeleton in Goa Kidang, Kudus, Central Java. Of the three findings, the research team sharpen Homo sapiens care ordinance and bury the bodies in a karst cave.

Goa Kidang located in the karst region Kendeng Mountains North which is about 35 kilometers from the city Blora. Goa is a karst mountain niche as deep as approximately 15 meters from the ground surface karst hills. To get into the cave, must be down the trail.

Goa Chief Occupational Pattern team Kidang Yogyakarta Archaeological Beautiful Asikin Conscience, Tuesday (08/27/2013), said third skeleton was found in a curled position. Currently only visible part of the hand and back.

Last year, the team found a skeleton in a similar position as well. From the test results of carbon, estimated age of 7770-9600 three-year framework.
"They use a karst cave in the mountains, North Kendeng Mountains, as a residence. In the same place we found the burial ritual and technological aids to make hunting and gathering, "said Lovely.

According Beautiful, Goa prehistoric ritual human burial Kidang very interesting. They know about life and death that symbolized the burial facing west or sunset position.
They also know how to care for the body system. Around their skeletons, the team found crushed limestone and mussel shells.

"In addition, they put the body in a position folded or curled, like a baby in the womb," he said.
The findings of prehistoric man was also open to new knowledge about prehistoric human intelligence. Goa man Kidang make hunting and gathering tools with more advanced technology compared with the findings of other species Homo sapiens.

"They make equipment of material shells and animal bones are shaped and sharpened with a stone tool. They also make eye arrows made of bone, "said Lovely.
Head of Cultural Department of Transportation, Tourism, Culture, Information, and Communication Blora Suntoyo said, the government has made finding the location of a protected area cultural . Government and local communities have been asked to keep the prehistoric relics.

"Previously, in Blora many ancient animal fossils and prehistoric humans Homo soloensis. Human invention Kidang Goa is expected to enrich the knowledge of ancient and prehistoric human journey, "he said. (HEN / COMPASS) Editor: Yunanto Wiji Utomo fathia.info/

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