sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

Field teeming with Bronze Age gold rings

Four Bronze Age gold rings were recently found near the site where six similar rings were found in 2009

... On June 18-19 this year, Danish amateur archaeologist Hans Henrik Hansen and his nephew Christian Albertsen made a fascinating discovery.

They found four wrist-sized rings with the common feature that the two tips of the rings are hemispherical, decorated and hollow. Each of the rings is very likely to be unique.

Based on certain grave finds, archaeologists reckon the rings were used by men. The name ’oath rings’ was inspired by the Icelandic sagas, in which people could take oaths by a gold or silver ring soaked with sacrificial blood.

The ring was found in a field by the Danish village of Boeslunde, and the location is no coincidence. No less than five gold rings have previously been found here, the latest one in 2009 – and there is also another one, which may come from the same site... sciencenordic.com

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