miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Can we reliably identify if handprints in prehistoric caves were made by males or females?

Handprints from El Castillo cave Spain dated around 40,000 years ago (Source: PEDRO SAURA | AP PHOTO/AAAS)
Recent years there has been a focus on estimating the gender of prehistoric artists who left hand stencils in caves and rock shelters around the world. This includes the famous Upper Palaeolithic handprints in Spain and France, as well as studies on more recent handprints from South Africa and Australia. These gender identifications are based on a series of measurements and indices, and results have been used to argue that both males and females were involved in prehistoric painting. A recent study, published in Journal of Archaeological Science, now reassess the reliability of using these metric approaches. [...] globalpalaeonews  (B&W3)

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