domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

Poland: Spear dating back 9 thousand years - a unique discovery near Szczecin

1/3. Photo by T. Galiński
A ritual spear dating back 9 thousand years - made of wood, decorated with engraved ornament, has been discovered by archaeologists in Bolków near lake Świdwie (West Pomerania). "This is the only find of this type known in Europe" - emphasized in an interview with PAP Prof. Tadeusz Galiński.

The spear was more than a meter below the peat surface. Its shape resembles an elongated paddle blade. A very large section has been preserved, about 40 cm long and almost 10 cm wide. According to preliminary analysis, the object is made of ash wood - told PAP head of the excavations, Prof. Tadeusz Galiński from the Szczecin branch of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS.

The spear found in Bolków is an unusual artefact. Prof. Galiński noted that similar objects from this period had not been discovered in Europe before. The unique aspect of the find is the rich decoration on its outer, slightly convex side: interwoven geometric and zoomorphic patterns.

"The construction of the spear, and above all the presence of ornamentation indicate that it was a ritual object associated with the beliefs of Mesolithic peoples inhabiting the lakeside settlements and hunting camps" - said Prof. Galiński. [...] Science & Scholarship in Poland / Link 2 

Actualización: Lanza de madera decorada con una escena de hace 9.000 años 
El análisis de rayos X ha revelado figuras humanas, animales, patrones geométricos, barcos, e incluso un campamento de cazadores 

Un objeto de madera de hace 9.000 años, posiblemente una lanza, que se asemeja a un remo alargado, ha sido recuperado en unas excavaciones en Bolków (Pomerania occidental, Polonia). Lo espectacular del hallazgo es su profusa decoración incisa, estudiada a través de imágenes de rayos X. Sus investigadores han identificado tres figuras humanas, una de ella con una máscara con astas de ciervo, animales, plantas, patrones geométricos, barcos...Las excavaciones se han realizado en las cercanías de un santuario mesolítico, por lo que en principio se ha identificado como un objeto ritual. Afirman incluso que aparecen una serie de caracteres desconocidos y sin precedentes, ¿podrán descifrarse algún día? ...

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