martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

Edición 26-12-17

Evento. El secreto de los huesos -
Lo huesos, los antepasados y las enfermedades más comunes de la Prehistoria son el eje principal de la exposición «Cuidar, Guarir, Morir. La malaltia llegida en els ossos». Un paseo por el pasado que pone de manifiesto que algunas de las patologías más sufridas en la actualidad ya lo eran muchos siglos atrás. La muestra, compuesta por varios restos óseos y catorce paneles explicativos, ilustra al visitante las enfermedades que acechaban a las tribus, así como algunas tradiciones que dejaban huella en el cuerpo humano.
El director del museo Arqueológico de Alcoy, Joan Josep Segura, indicaba que la exposición nacía el pasado mes de noviembre tras el congreso de Paleopatología que se realizó en el Museo de la Universidad de Alicante. Un encuentro en el que expertos de ámbito nacional e internacional presentaron una larga lista de conclusiones sobre todas las enfermedades analizadas en los restos óseos...

Visita virtual y 3D: terapia de choque para difundir arte de cuevas cerradas
EFE - Las cuevas con arte rupestre, que en casos renombrados como Altamira o Lascaux se comparan con "enfermos crónicos" por su deterioro, se sirven ya de otras alternativas, como técnicas 3D o realidad virtual, para compatibilizar la necesidad de conservación con la aspiración de difundir sus famosas pinturas...

Los osos pardos ibéricos no descienden de los huidos del norte en la Edad de Hielo 

Más sobre Vilafranca desvela dos nuevos hitos para el arte rupestre levantino con 7.000 años de antigüedad | EL PAÍS
La Volta Espessa y La Ferranda se erigen como los yacimientos de arte prehistórico más importantes descubiertos en la Comunidad Valenciana en tres décadas...

Más sobre Encuentran en una isla danesa extrañas piedras prehistóricas decoradas con símbolos desconocidos
Las excavaciones que se llevan a cabo en la isla danesa de Bornholm en el mar Báltico han descubierto unas 300 piedras de pequeño tamaño decoradas con diferentes motivos, datadas en la Edad de Piedra, hace unos 5.000 años.
Muchas de ellas son piedras solares, de forma redonda y con motivos circulares, ya conocidas por los investigadores desde 1995 y que se cree representan el sol. Pero otras son cuadradas y la decoración parece representar campos cercados, un motivo nunca visto antes.
Según Lars Larsson, profesor emérito de la Universidad de Lund en Suecia, estas piedras cuadradas son especialmente extrañas, es imposible saber para qué las utilizaron...


Libro. Les artistes de la Préhistoire réunis dans un livre : "Dès qu’Homo sapiens commence à produire des images graphiques complexes, les techniques sont acquises" 

Les éditions Citadelles et Mazenod nous plongent dans l’univers artistique préhistorique au travers d’un ouvrage illustré, à la fois livre d'art mais aussi livre de référence scientifique.
Alors que les sites de Lascaux et de Chauvet connaissent un succès public au-delà des prévisions, les éditions Citadelles et Mazenod permettent de découvrir les multiples facettes de l'art de la Préhistoire à travers un ouvrage éponyme sorti le 10 octobre en librairie. Un ouvrage unique, à la fois livre d'art mais aussi livre de référence scientifique, écrit par une équipe de chercheurs internationaux sous la direction de Carole Fritz.
L'art de la Préhistoire n'est pas seulement un...

12,800-year-old chestnuts from Nagano are oldest in Japan:The Asahi Shimbun

These chestnuts are believed to be the oldest in Japan. Small holes were bored through both chestnuts. (Provided by Agematsu town government)

AGEMATSU, Nagano Prefecture / MASAHIRO HABA-- Old chestnuts have probably never rustled up so much interest in Japan as ones recently found in ancient ruins here.
Two nuts, the oldest found in Japan, were used for unspecified purposes in the Jomon period's early years (16,000 to 11,000 years ago), researchers said.
Radiocarbon dating and other analyses put their age at between 12,900 and 12,700 years old.
Holes bored in each one suggest that people might have dried the nuts by threading needles through them.
“We can confirm that they are highly important chestnuts, being the oldest in (Japanese) archaeology," said Agematsu Mayor Makoto Oya in announcing the find Dec. 25.
He called the discovery one that "is full of the Jomon period’s romance, showing that people made their living here using chestnuts.”
Until now, the oldest chestnuts found in Japan came from Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, and were dated at between 11,000 and 7,000 years old.
The Agematsu chestnuts were originally unearthed in a pit dwelling site in 1992 during road construction for National Route No. 19. Two whole chestnuts were found, as well as 870 or so fragments.
Artefacts show Indus Valley, Omani civilisation contact - Times Of Oman / Link 2
Oman was home to a civilisation almost 4,000 years old and had contacts with parts of present day Pakistan, a study has confirmed.
Representatives of the Sultan Qaboos University’s (SQU’s) media cell said that the cultural contacts with the present day Sindh province in Pakistan had been confirmed because ancient pottery from the South Asian region had been recovered from one of the settlements.
The discovery came as a result of archaeological excavations conducted by the department from 2013 to 2017, and the work on this site is still ongoing.
The archaeological site, Dahwa, in north Al Batinah, is the oldest settlement to be discovered so far in Oman. It is is located 24 kilometers west of the wilayat of Saham on the edge of the Hajar mountain ranges...

7000-year-old residence found in western Iran - Tehran Times / Link 2 
A previously spotted residence area at Nadali-Beig Hill in western Iran may date back to around 7,000 years ago, archaeological studies suggest.
“The second season of excavations at the site has so far yielded several stages of construction, considerable numbers of pottery pieces, as well as remains of residential units associated with the everyday life that are estimated to date from the 5th millennium BC,” IRNA quoted Hannan Bahranipour, who leads the excavations team, as saying on Sunday...

Archaeology as blood sport: How an ancient mastodon ignited debate over humans’ arrival in North America - LA Times
“Oh my God,” Richard Cerutti said to himself. He bent down to pick up a sharp, splintered bone fragment. Its thickness and weight told him that it belonged to an animal, a very big animal. His mind started to race.
He was standing at the foot of a slope being groomed by Caltrans for a road-widening project through the Sweetwater Valley near National City.
Earthmoving equipment had already uncovered other fossils from elsewhere on the site, mostly rodents, birds and lizards. But this bone was from no ordinary animal. The operator wanted to keep digging, but Cerutti raised a fist to stop him. He felt a tightening knot of anger... (Videos)

Neolithic wanderings in Wales - Current Archaeology  / Paper
The Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in Britain is a widely debated topic, particularly with regard to the role migration played in spreading Neolithic farming practices from the Continent to Britain. Now researchers from Durham University are using isotope analysis to examine the childhood origins of early Neolithic Britons, in an initiative aiming to address this question.
Concentrating on two Neolithic long cairns in Wales – Penywyrlod and Ty Isaf – the team examined nine skeletons from each. The human remains were radiocarbon dated and analysed for strontium, oxygen, and carbon isotopes to evaluate the individuals’ origins and migration history...

Ancient settlement found in Cappadocia 
Archaeologists from the Hacı Bektaş University in the Central Anatolian province of Nevşehir have unearthed a Bronze Age settlement in Cappadocia.
A team from the university has carried out archaeological excavations and examinations around the Göreme (Çakıltepe) Mound. During the works, they have detected an ancient settlement, which starts from the early Bronze Age in (3,000-2,000 B.C.) and continues to the middle Bronze Age (2,000-1,750 B.C.)...

An approach to Palaeolithic networks: The question of symbolic territories and their interpretation through Magdalenian art  / Full text
Oscar Fuentes, Claire Lucas, Eric Robert, Quaternary International, Available online 19 December 2017.
The Magdalenian (20,500–13,000 cal. BP) is an important period for the cultural evolution of societies in the European Upper Palaeolithic. It is characterized by a great increase in settlements and products, probably reflecting demographic growth. Along with other material evidence, symbolic products (art and ornaments) clearly expand. In association with the multiplication of representations, some of them become highly normalized (included geometric signs) whereas others develop a great diversity of forms (such as human depictions)...

Symbolic territories in pre-Magdalenian art? 
Stephane Petrognani, Eric Robert, Quaternary International, Available online 18 December 2017.
The legacy of specialists in Upper Paleolithic art shows a common point: a more or less clear separation between Magdalenian art and earlier symbolic manifestations. One of principal difficulty is due to little data firmly dated in the chronology for the “ancient” periods, even if recent studies precise chronological framework...

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