lunes, 10 de julio de 2017

Titulares 10-07-17

Encuentran en Gipuzkoa unos grabados paleolíticos únicos en la Península Ibérica
Un grupo de espeleólogos ha hallado en una cueva de Errenteria (Gipuzkoa), denominada Aitzbitarte IV, unas imágenes paleolíticas de animales de hace unos 14.000 años, grabadas en arcilla, únicas en la Península Ibérica por la técnica utilizada y en un "excepcional" estado de conservación... (Vídeos, audio)

La decisión sobre si estacionalizar las visitas a Altamira llegará dentro de "seis u ocho meses" | El Diario Montañes
Así lo ha confirmado Fatás, que ha explicado que ya se está estudiando esta posibilidad, anunciada el pasado junio tras el Patronato del Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigación Altamira, en el que se aprobó mantener el número de visitas experimentales pero analizando la posibilidad de concentrarlas fuera del periodo entre febrero y junio, que es cuando se acentúan los problemas de filtración y condensación del agua en la cavidad. Hasta el momento, cada viernes se realiza un sorteo para que cinco personas puedad acceder a la cueva original...

Cueva Fantasma precisará reforzar los recursos el próximo año | Cadena SER
El equipo de Atapuerca planifica ya el nuevo proyecto con grandes expectativas alrededor del que es el noveno yacimiento de la Sierra...

EL CENIEH aborda la V Campaña de excavaciones en el yacimiento paleolítico de Ambrona
Hoy comienza la V Campaña de Excavaciones en el yacimiento de Ambrona, situado al sur de la provincia de Soria, donde se ha identificado uno de los conjuntos líticos más antiguos de Paleolítico Medio de Europa...

La Beleña: uno de los hipogeos más antiguos de la península está en Cabra | Diario Digital de Córdoba 
Los estudios de datación fechan el complejo entre el 3.400 y el 3.00 antes de Cristo...

31 Jul 2017 a 04 Ago 2017. Santander.

Un grupo de genetistas planea resucitar al mamut lanudo en unos tres años | National Geographic
Actualmente es posible escribir ADN que podría devolver a la vida al emblemático herbívoro de la Edad de Hielo...


Investigação nos Concheiros de Muge vai continuar 
Trata-se do primeiro projecto em Portugal apoiado pelo Earthwatch Institute
O complexo mesolítico dos Concheiros de Muge vai continuar a ser investigado por uma equipa de especialistas da Universidade do Algarve, através de um projecto financiado pelo Earthwatch Institute, informou a Câmara Municipal de Salvaterra de Magos...

'Striking' Face of 4,500-Year-Old English Man Revealed 
The face of a man who died in England around 4,500 years ago has been reconstructed, revealing a "striking" image that should help humans alive today feel a personal connection, researchers said.
The man's remains were excavated in the 1930s and 1980s at Liff's Low bowl barrow, a burial mound located in Derbyshire, England. He was found buried with a type of pot called a beaker and a stone pendant that was likely worn on a necklace, the researchers said...

Germany′s new UNESCO World Heritage site: the oldest Ice Age artworks | DW / Link 2 
The six caves holding the oldest figurative artworks made by humans were discovered in the Swabian Alp region. They have now been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site...

How humans transformed wild wheat into its modern counterpart -- ScienceDaily
A sophisticated sequencing study reveals genetic changes that emerged in wheat as it became domesticated by agricultural societies in the Fertile Crescent, roughly 10,000 years ago...

Ancient stone monuments may have been used for mysterious moonlit ceremonies, say archaeologists 
... a new investigation of the stone age engraved panel Hendraburnick Quoit in Cornwall by Dr Andy Jones, found nearly 10 times the number of markings when viewed in moonlight or very low sunlight from the south east...

We Could Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth. Here's How.
It's now possible to actually write DNA, which could bring an iconic Ice Age herbivore back to life...

Leiden’s archaeological museum RMO had been trying to get its hands on it for almost a century: the 3,500-year-old Ommerschans sword. On Wednesday, the museum acquired the sword at auction for €550,000, bringing home to the Netherlands one of its most important bronze age artefacts.

Read more at Museum buys ceremonial bronze age sword for €550,000
Museum buys ceremonial bronze age sword for €550,000 -
Leiden’s archaeological museum RMO had been trying to get its hands on it for almost a century: the 3,500-year-old Ommerschans sword. On Wednesday, the museum acquired the sword at auction for €550,000, bringing home to the Netherlands one of its most important bronze age artefacts...

Event. Bronze Age finds from Must Farm on show at museum over summer - Peterborough Telegraph
The long anticipated Bronze Age exhibition ‘Must Farm – The Story So Far’ is open at Peterborough Museum until September 10...

Video. This Mysterious Stone Structure Is Older Than Stonehenge - Smithsonian Channel
Until recently, Britain's Stonehenge was thought to be the world's oldest set of stone monuments. But a recent discovery in the Turkish region of Göbekli Tepe has been estimated to be over 6,000 years older.
Ver en PaleoVídeos > L.R.2.13 nº 42.

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